LIM Sunmi
Calling for happiness
LIM Sunmi
Calling for happiness
Materials used for expressing ideas in contemporary art have been expanded in many different ways. In this Invitational exhibition, the Korea artist, Lim, Sun-mi introduces a new approach towards painting by using a glossy and resinous material called lacquer which often has been used for decorating craft works.
Lim, Sun-mi narrates Korean traditional folktales on the surfaces of her works by applying a several coated layers of lacquer and recreates a spiritual and rhythmical space. With a combination of a profound background color and glossy colored patterns of pearls, her works not only shows important aspects of the usages of materials in painting but also in the decorative art. In her works, she intends to show the effect of using lacquered finish techniques and how it creates a simple and natural beauty without adding artificial forces. Through this exhibition, I hope to share the eternal beauty of nature and warm spirit in Lim’s works which reveal a naive dream and hope.
PYO Gallery
President PYO, Mi-Sun
LIM Sunmi 임선미
작가 임선미(b.1971)는 수원대학교 동양화과를 졸업한 후 중국 북경 중앙 미술학원 벽화과와 사천미술학원 설계예술학과 벽화과정 석사를 마쳤다. 또한 유학 당시 중국 전국미술대학 우수작품전 우수작품상 수상 등 중국 현지에서도 그 역량성을 인정받았다. 작가는 한국의 칠예전 등 국내외 개인전, 단체전과 함께 한국 국제 아트 페어 및 북경 국제 화랑 미술제, 멜버른 아트페어 등에 꾸준히 참여하며 세계 미술 시장에서도 그 인지도를 높여가고 있다.